Asset management for development company with SharePoint

Automation of the Business Impact Analysis process within business continuity management
June 30, 2020
Applications approval and travel budget management
June 25, 2020
Customer: Development company that have a lot of building projects.

The project aims to improve and automate asset management.

Project tasks

  • Systematize the information on active and prospective assets (construction sites).
  • Reduce the time spent on search of the necessary asset information.
  • Ensure control over the timely receipt of supporting documents for assets.

The solution is based on Microsoft SharePoint Server.

Project result

A unified information system with detailed information on all existing and pending construction sites/assets has been created.

To store information on assets, a unified asset card has been created, which contains information on the key characteristics of the asset, its location on the map, as well as catalogues with a set of supporting documents.

Such an asset registry allows you to quickly find information on the asset of interest and control the availability of the necessary supporting documents in the system.

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